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A day with Campus Radio 94.4



Youssef Hamza

Short summary:

On the 12th of July, Sophia and Kimberly, from Campus & City Radio 94.4 (CR 94.4), invited us for an interview in their studio. We talked about the history of Green Steps, our local and global mission to connect people with nature, and what our daily job as nature guides is like!

On the 12th of July, Sophia and Kimberly, from Campus & City Radio 94.4 (CR 94.4), invited me and Knut for an interview in their studio. We spoke about Green Steps and the reasons of its foundation. We want to promote a new model of environmental learning based on the adaptation of the Montessorian method to our era.

It was surprising to receive questions about the Montessori method! Sophia studied to be an educator and knows the limits of the traditional learning system. Learning about nature must be fun, especially for children! We believe that sharing the history of Green Steps is a powerful means for the development of a local environment culture. And we are happy about this experience.
To the next adventure!

Listen to the full interview in English hereafter (in the first three minutes there is a short introduction in German)