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Befriend Nature in a non invasive way



Ava Qiang

Short summary:

On November 15, following the lead of us Nature Guides, a big group of children went to explore Zhongshan park, in the middle of Shanghai central district, with their parents to get away from the metropolis in this natural oasis. In the depth of the forest, they became little explorers: assisted by Green Steps Nature Guides and by their parents, they take a step out of the comfort zone and another one into the adventure.

Plants & Friends@Zhongshan Park

Zhongshan Park is a very familiar place for Shanghainese, with a long history and pleasant scenery. For elder people leaving nearby, this place is the first choice for morning exercises, while for the young ones it is nice for dating and for tourists it is on the list of nice places to go in Shanghai. In fact, under the bustling appearance,Zhongshan Park has a wild face and attractions to be uncovered.

On November 15, following the lead of us Nature Guides, a big group of children came to explore the park with their parents to get away from the metropolis in this natural oasis.

Get in and just turn our heads up: we see small round black fruits hanging from the camphor tree, and the leaves of the tallow tree begin to glow a beautiful ruby red. The orange trees raise their limbs to offer their delicious fruits, and the golden soapberry leaves are framed by the blue sky...
Look down, now: under the big tree our nature guide Joan, told us an ancient story from a distant country. A story that Siri and Alexa could never tell them: children are fascinated, their curiosity start being tickled.

Touch the bark of a century-old hackberry tree, feel the imprints of the years, and say hello to this Grandpa Tree; watch the sun shining through the leaves and casting beautiful lights and shadows on the ground, and play the "magpies and dragonflies" game in the dawn redwood forest with the melodious flute sound. If you want to admire the Waltz of Fallen Leaves, the path that goes through the forest is the best choice to watch the show of fallen leaves flying in the middle of lush flowers and trees. Most importantly we don’t get interrupted so that Children could focus their senses to enjoy everything in front of them.

In the depth of the forest, they became little explorers: assisted by Green Steps Nature Guides and by their parents, they take a step out of the comfort zone and another one into the adventure.

In the future, when you will face moments of difficulties and frustrations, maybe you will remember the peril of slippery slopes while climbing little hillsides and how brave you were when you faced that unknown challenge as a child. Maybe you will remember having solid hands around a rope, gentle eyes, cheering voices, and, of course, in the end, you will remember the courage and joy of overcoming difficulties! In that future, such memories will unconsciously become the source of confidence for children.

Among trees and shadows, we learn together about plants and insects. From a safe distance, our sight is captured by the bee swarm lining up keep your eyes on how the bee army lined up, turning their bodies to use their stings against the invading wasps (a scene that is definitely rare to see!). We learn practical outdoor survival skills in real nature to understand the meaning of buddies in mutual partnerships, learn to be like insects and birds following the lead of Green Steps Nature Guides and feeling the grace that nature blesses us with, in this Autumn day.

In fact, we can befriend nature in a non invasive way: that’s still possible, even in modern metropolis where we are surrounded by reinforced concrete. We just need to pay attention and to seek and find our hidden “green corner”.
The whole World in one flower, the whole heaven in one thought.
Perceive the beauty together with children, enjoy happiness, have a pure enthusiasm for everything in the World, and, as a parent, spend high quality time with your child.

Have a different childhood: see you in nature!

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