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Big Friendly Giants @ Center for Architecture Vienna

Big Friendly Giants


Green Steps

Short summary:

The renowned Center for Architecture Vienna presents our pilot project BIG FRIENDLY GIANTS on Oct 13th. The project aims at the transformation of cities into outdoor learning spaces and is supported by an app which boost ecological intelligence.

ohannes Spalt: Haus Wittmann, Etsdorf am Kamp, Lower Austria, 1970–1975, model © Architekturzentrum Wien, Collection

The Architekturzentrum Wien is the only museum in Austria devoted exclusively to architecture. As the Az W Collection has expanded over the last 17 years and consists of over 100 architects’ archives as well as extensive collections of individual projects, a large number of objects are being shown for the first time in the new Permanent Exhibition: ‘Hot Questions — Cold Storage’. Selected models, drawings, furniture, fabrics, documents and films develop new threads in seven thematic episodes. Each episode is preceded by one of today’s burning issues, a Hot Question that brings Cold Storage to life. The entire exhibition explores the metaquestion “How Will We Survive?”.

Green Steps will introduce the Big Friendly Giants project in an interactive guided tour of the exhibition: The pilot project heightens the environmental awareness of urbanites by exploring the local ecosystem and following routes past giant trees over 100 years old. It aims at the transformation of cities into outdoor learning spaces and is supported by an app which boost ecological intelligence. Green Steps is featured in Architekturzentrum Wien because its innovative environmental education concept was selected among more than 300 initiatives participating in the Ö1 climate innovation competition: Fixing the Future.

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