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Flying Friends - NEW EDITION for Europe OUT!



Green Steps

Short summary:

We proudly present a new edition of our bioregional memory game! Flying Friends is now available for Europe, too. Why should you get a copy of both the Chinese edition and the new one? This is the ultimate card game to grow your biodiversity knowledge!

Still looking for a climate positive Christmas present or something to spend long winter evenings with family and friends? We have got you covered and proudly present a new edition of Flying Friends. Learn about the most common birds in your home bioregion in the most entertaining way!
What is new about Flying Friends and why should you get at a set for your yourself, your children or your students? There are three good reasons:

1. a new understanding of planet Earth.
2. a proven method to move new knowledge into your long-term memory.
3. a great way to learn about birds in two languages.

After last year’s publication of our first edition about the birds of the Changjiang Plain Evergreen Forests (PA50), we now add a second edition about the birds of the European Interior Mixed Forests (PA12). Use the OneEarth map to learn more about these bioregions, which cover many important cities in China and Europe like Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Berlin, Lyon, Warsaw.

Flying Friends is currently available in Chinese / English and German / English. A German / Turkish version for bioregion PA12 is under way and we are eager to get feedback from European players to add additional language packages like German / Polish or German / French. New bioregion editions are planned for next year. So, stay tuned for updates or reach out to us to create your own version.

We distribute the game through our offices in St. Pölten and Shanghai. Send us an email to

St. Pölten:

Interested in more information? Watch these short films:
o Flying Friends teaser 
o Flying Friends explanation video